Saturday, August 29, 2009

#8 Matrix Revolutions: Brawling in the rain

Director: Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski
Genre: Action/Sci fi
Key Players: Keanu Reeves, Hugo Weaving (by the thousands)

There's a couple of things that is unique for the Matrix Revolutions: A) It's not the original and far superior The Matrix, B) Monica Bellucci's massive cleavage and C) there's an outstanding hand to hand combat scene between Neo (The One) and Agent Smith (the other ones) in the end. Sure, while the first fight between them revolutionized pretty much all we knew about cinema at the time, this last and final confrontation is just good ol' wholesome fun for the whole family: there's heavy rain, lightning all around, they are trading punches in mid-air, buildings and streets are obliterated and turned to dust. And all in glossy green glow. It's just like a comic book, only, that it isn't. It's better. And no other superhero comic book movie have, so far, come close to matching any of the innovative action that can be seen in any of the Matrix trilogy. And all you naysayers, fuck off. It's not The Matrix Repetition, who wants that? It's a cool movie, let us leave it at that.

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