Saturday, November 14, 2009

# 21 Slither: Pop goes the stomach

Director: James Gunn
Genre: Horror/Comedy
Key Players: Nathan Fillion, Elizabeth Banks, Gregg Henry

In keeping with the exploitation spirit, this is Slither. Troma connected James Gunn, struck gold with his low budget cult splatter-comedy Slither where Joss Whedon favorite Nathan Fillion (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Serenity) lends a great deal of charm and wit to his small town police officer Bill Pardy as they are invaded by slimy malicious worms. And as with most creatures, they all tend to come from a "mother" or host if you will. Well, these slithery worms are no exception. Cue huge bloated woman hidden in the woods (spoiler alert: she later explodes!). Funny and gruesome. A great deal of fun.

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