Sunday, September 20, 2009

#15 Private Parts: Radiogasm

Director: Betty Thomas
Genre: Comedy
Key Players: Howard Stern, a speaker, a phone, random half-naked lady

From the very beginning, Howard Stern has been pushing the limits for what can be said and done while on the radio. With his frequent use of foul language, politically incorrect opinions and explicit situations, often involving naked ladies in some shape or form, people usually go batshit crazy whenever he open his mouth. Let's face it, the man is used to controversy. So considering the nature of his work, you can expect there to be plenty of outstanding moments to chose from. So, with the purpose to upset, humiliate and provoke (like always) he makes a woman orgasm by playing a deep bass sound, while straddling her speaker. On the air. Pretty questionable but remains one of those moments you'll remember.

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